
hyperloop one

travel innovation pioneer hyperloop one was in need of some animations ahead of a big public unveiling, and put out a call for pitch submissions. being proud lovers of sci-fi, we heeded that call. we put together a team of artists to generate concepts for three videos explaining the what, how, why, and when of hyperloop one's upcoming endeavors.

 the first video was meant to explain clearly to the viewer just what a  hyperloop is and how one works. if you don't know yourself, you should  look into it. it's so cool. we developed a simplified look that would  clearly convey the nuts and bolts

the first video was meant to explain clearly to the viewer just what a hyperloop is and how one works. if you don't know yourself, you should look into it. it's so cool. we developed a simplified look that would clearly convey the nuts and bolts of how such an innovative piece of tech works.

 the second video's goal was to win over hearts and minds. the idea here  was to show viewers how hyperloop would change their lives forever in a  plethora of ways. in the storyboards below we used a magical portal to  represent the hyperloop, showin

the second video's goal was to win over hearts and minds. the idea here was to show viewers how hyperloop would change their lives forever in a plethora of ways. in the storyboards below we used a magical portal to represent the hyperloop, showing how easy it would become to connect with loved ones, spread commerce, and deliver aid. Along with the boards are some style frames we cooked up for the look of this video.

 the final video was a story about where we've come from and where  we're going. by looking through the history of transportation, we're  able to tee the viewer up to enjoy a glimpse of the next best thing.  Here are a few boards outlining our approa

the final video was a story about where we've come from and where we're going. by looking through the history of transportation, we're able to tee the viewer up to enjoy a glimpse of the next best thing. Here are a few boards outlining our approach along with some style frames. 
